case study

Stop, Stay, Convert, Repeat. Driving existing customer conversion

The challenge

At we were given quite the challenge by being the inaugural tech publisher that Superdrug had ever worked with who specialised in customer conversion optimisation.

Not only did we have to execute our campaigns with aplomb, but we equally had to guide the Superdrug team through the process of working with a technology publisher like us, ensuring there was transparency and clarity from initial concept, through to integration and, finally, live campaign delivery.

Campaign build:


Shown to 3.77% of total traffic

Click to redirect campaign

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"One game changer when working with is their ability to build bespoke products that fit the client’s goals and objectives. This is not a set and forget solution! The team at are always looking for ways to increase onsite performance and aren’t happy to rest on their laurels."

Alexander Randall, Rakuten AU

"The ability to serve the right campaign, to the right user at the right time through the granularity and advanced targeting of the tech is second to none and we very much look forward to continued success."

Annalie McCann, Superdrug

"The team is a joy to work with - the technology that they're able to offer brands is wonderful! The integration is seamless and being able to capture the revenue in an unobtrusive way is perfect! The clients I've launched have been very happy and I recommend to new clients as a top tech partner to work with!"
Kristine Hall, OAK Digital

"By engaging our savings message and offers to users who show exit intent, we find more users are convinced to remain on site, and by directing users who engage with the overlays to a relevant landing page, we are more likely to convert what would have otherwise been lost leads."
Jessica Brown, Sandals

"Not only did help us achieve a phenomenal uplift in orders, but the personalised activity was able to more than help accomplish our trading objectives."
Andrew Barratt, Dixons Carphone

" are now active across all of our territories and continue to innovate with us, working towards our ultimate end goal; increasing the conversion rate of our users."
Ben van Pelt, Feel Unique